KMAC offers a wide range of Air Conditioning & Heating products and services to meet your every need. Please call 990-1110 to inquire how I can improve your existing home with quality products and services.
- Expert troubleshooting, diagnosis and service
- Energy saving central cooling system installation
- Preventative maintenance
- EPA registered
- Strict EPA refrigerant guidelines followed
- Freon leak detection
- A variety of systems and equipment to fit your budget
- Billing by the JOB, not by the hour
- The most up-to-date products and services available
- Expert troubleshooting, diagnosis and service
- Furnaces serviced and installed (all makes and models)
- Natural gas to propane gas specialist
- Carbon Monoxide Detection
Many accessories and options including, but not limited to:
- Dehumidifiers
- Standard medium and high capacity air filters
- Carbon monoxide detectors
- Energy saving thermostats